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Chapter 08: Voting

In the previous chapters you built and deployed an election smart contract to Devnet. Using the @kaden/client library in the front-end, you were able to add candidates to a database table in the election Pact module and read all the candidates from that table via the user interface of the election website. In this chapter you will first upgrade the election module with functionality that allows anyone with a Kadena account to cast a vote on a candidate. Then, you will use the Devnet implementation of the vote repository in the front-end to enable voting on the blockchain via the election website.

Get the code

If you are following along with the tutorial you can continue working on your current branch. In case you started the tutorial with this chapter, clone the tutorial project and change the current directory of your terminal to the project folder.

git clone election-dappcd election-dapp
git clone election-dappcd election-dapp

Switch branches to get the starter code for this chapter.

git checkout 08-voting
git checkout 08-voting

If you want to skip ahead and see the final solution for this chapter, you can check out the branch containing the starter code for the next chapter.

git checkout 09-gas-station
git checkout 09-gas-station

Increment votes of a candidate

Clicking the Vote button on the election website triggers a call to the vote function in frontend/src/repositories/vote/DevnetVoteRepository.ts with your account name and the name of the candidate in the same table row as the button that was clicked. In turn, this function will execute the vote function of the election module using the Kadena JavaScript client. Some of the lines of the vote function have been commented out. You will gradually add these lines back in as you add more logic to the election Pact module. The uncommented lines in this function are highly similar to the addCandidates function in the DevnetCandidateRepository, except for a different function being called. You will now implement the vote function in the election Pact module, using a test-driven approach in the Pact REPL.

Organize your REPL files

The ./pact/election.repl has already become quite large. Adding more tests to this file will make it harder to understand. To keep your test organized as you add more tests, you can split up your test suite in multiple .repl files and reuse code by loading one file into the other. Rename ./pact/election.repl to ./pact/candidates.repl and create the following two files.

  • ./pact/setup.repl
  • ./pact/voting.repl

Next, move the code before (begin-tx "Load election module") into ./pact/setup.repl. Then, add the following lines at the start of both ./pact/candidates.repl and ./pact/voting.repl.

(load "setup.repl")
(load "setup.repl")

Run ./pact/candidates.repl to verify that your tests still pass. Also, make sure that ./pact/voting.repl loads successfully before you continue.

Increment votes of a candidate

The election website now displays a table of candidates all having 0 votes. Everytime someone clicks the Vote button in a row of the table, the number of votes displayed in that row should be increased by 1. The table is rendered based on the result of a call to the the list-modules function of the election Pact module. So, in the Pact REPL you can test the behavior of the new vote function against the return value of list-modules. Add the following code to ./pact/voting.repl, replace the namespace with your own principal namespace and run the file. The first two transactions load the election Pact module and add a candidate to the candidates table. Then, in the Voting for a candidate transaction, the first assertion verifies that the candidate is initialized with 0 votes. Then, the vote function is called with the key of the candidate as the only argument. Finally, it is asserted that the candidate has 1 vote.

(begin-tx "Load election module")  (load "election.pact")(commit-tx) (begin-tx "Add a candidate")  (use n_fd020525c953aa002f20fb81a920982b175cdf1a.election)  (add-candidate { "key": "1", "name": "Candidate A" })(commit-tx) (begin-tx "Voting for a candidate")  (use n_fd020525c953aa002f20fb81a920982b175cdf1a.election)  (expect    "Candidate A has 0 votes"    0    (at 'votes (at 0 (list-candidates)))  )  (vote "1")  (expect    "Candidate A has 1 vote"    1    (at 'votes (at 0 (list-candidates)))  )(commit-tx)
(begin-tx "Load election module")  (load "election.pact")(commit-tx) (begin-tx "Add a candidate")  (use n_fd020525c953aa002f20fb81a920982b175cdf1a.election)  (add-candidate { "key": "1", "name": "Candidate A" })(commit-tx) (begin-tx "Voting for a candidate")  (use n_fd020525c953aa002f20fb81a920982b175cdf1a.election)  (expect    "Candidate A has 0 votes"    0    (at 'votes (at 0 (list-candidates)))  )  (vote "1")  (expect    "Candidate A has 1 vote"    1    (at 'votes (at 0 (list-candidates)))  )(commit-tx)

The test will fail with Error: Cannot resolve vote, because the vote function does not exist yet. Implement the vote function in ./pact/election.pact, below the add-candidate function, as follows. Define the function with a parameter candidateKey of type string. On the next line you will use its value as the key for the row of the candidates table to read using the built-in with-read function. On the following line, you specify that the "votes" column value must be assigned to a variable numberOfVotes. Finally, the built-in update function is called with three arguments. The first argument is the table to update: candidates. The second argument is the key of the row that should be updated: candidateKey. The third argument is an object keyed with the column names to update and the new value for the respective columns. Only the votes column will be updated and the new value is the current number of votes that was obtained from with-read incremented by one: (+ numberOfVotes 1).

(defun vote (candidateKey:string)  (with-read candidates candidateKey    { "name" := name, "votes" := numberOfVotes }    (update candidates candidateKey { "votes": (+ numberOfVotes 1) })  ))
(defun vote (candidateKey:string)  (with-read candidates candidateKey    { "name" := name, "votes" := numberOfVotes }    (update candidates candidateKey { "votes": (+ numberOfVotes 1) })  ))

Run ./pact/voting.repl again and verify that the test passes.

Vote on a candidate that does not exist

To make the vote function more robust, you need to handle the scenario where a candidateKey is passed in, that does not exist in the database. Add the following code to ./pact/voting.repl before the transaction Voting for a candidate, replace the namespace with your own principal namespace and run the file again.

(begin-tx "Voting for a non-existing candidate")  (use n_fd020525c953aa002f20fb81a920982b175cdf1a.election)  (expect-failure    "Cannot vote for a non-existing candidate"    (vote "X")  )(commit-tx)
(begin-tx "Voting for a non-existing candidate")  (use n_fd020525c953aa002f20fb81a920982b175cdf1a.election)  (expect-failure    "Cannot vote for a non-existing candidate"    (vote "X")  )(commit-tx)

You will notice that the test already passes. Namely, the call to with-read fails for candidateKey "2", which prevents the execution of the update function. Since you will add several more checks in the vote function, it is advisable to throw specific error messages for each check that fails to provide clear feedback to the caller of this function. In ./pact/voting.repl, add a line below "Cannot vote for a non-existing candidate" to specify the expected error message: "Candidate does not exist". This first argument of expect-failure is the name of the test, while the second line you just added is the expected output of the third argument: the actual function call. Now, when your run the test again, it fails with the message Failed: with-read: row not found: 2. To prevent the read operation from failing with a standard message, you can leverage the built-in with-default-read function that does not throw an error if no row is found with the specified key, but returns a default object instead. The default will be an object containing the default values "" and 0 for the columns "name" and "votes" respectively. For successful reads, the value of the "name" column is assigned to a variable name, similar to the value of the "votes" column. This allows you to enforce that name must not be an empty string, and throw a specific error otherwise. Update the your vote function implementation as follows.

(defun vote (candidateKey:string)  (with-default-read candidates candidateKey    { "name": "", "votes": 0 }    { "name" := name, "votes" := numberOfVotes }    (enforce (> (length name) 0) "Candidate does not exist")    (update candidates candidateKey { "votes": (+ numberOfVotes 1) })  ))
(defun vote (candidateKey:string)  (with-default-read candidates candidateKey    { "name": "", "votes": 0 }    { "name" := name, "votes" := numberOfVotes }    (enforce (> (length name) 0) "Candidate does not exist")    (update candidates candidateKey { "votes": (+ numberOfVotes 1) })  ))

Run ./pact/voting.repl again and verify that the test now passes. The vote function now returns a meaningful error message for the scenario where someone tries to vote for a candidate that does not exist.

Prevent double votes

Add this point, the basic voting mechanism is in place, but it does not fulfill the requirement of each Kadena account being allowed to only vote once. To keep track of the accounts that have already voted, you will create a new table votes keyed by the account name of voters and the candidate key as the only column. In addition to a check against this table, you will also add checks against the keyset used to sign the voting transaction.

Define votes schema and table

Add the following lines to ./pact/election.pact, inside the election module definition, below the definition of the votes schema and table.

  (defschema votes-schema    candidateKey:string  )   (deftable votes:{votes-schema})
  (defschema votes-schema    candidateKey:string  )   (deftable votes:{votes-schema})

Create votes table

Add the following lines at the end of ./pact/election.pact. With read-msg, the field init-votes is read from the transaction data. If you set this field to true in the data of your module deployment transaction, the votes table will be created when you load the module into the Pact REPL or upgrade the module on the blockchain.

(if (read-msg "init-votes")  [(create-table votes)]  [])
(if (read-msg "init-votes")  [(create-table votes)]  [])

In ./pact/setup.repl, add , 'init-candidates: true to the env-data command as follows, so this data will be loaded in the Pact REPL environment when you load the election module, to ensure that the votes table will be created.

(env-data  { 'admin-keyset:      { 'keys : [ "128c32eb3b4d99be6619aa421bc3df9ebc91bde7a4acf5e8eb9c27f553fa84f3" ]      , 'pred : 'keys-all      }  , 'init-candidates: true  , 'init-votes: true  })
(env-data  { 'admin-keyset:      { 'keys : [ "128c32eb3b4d99be6619aa421bc3df9ebc91bde7a4acf5e8eb9c27f553fa84f3" ]      , 'pred : 'keys-all      }  , 'init-candidates: true  , 'init-votes: true  })

If you run ./pact/voting.repl again, the file should still load successfully and you should see TableCreated appear twice in the output. Once for the candidates table and once for the votes table.

Use the votes table

Add another transaction at the end of ./pact/voting.repl to assert that it is not possible to cast more than one vote. Use the snippet below, replacing the namespace with your own principal namespace and run the file again.

(begin-tx "Double vote")  (use n_fd020525c953aa002f20fb81a920982b175cdf1a.election)  (expect-failure    "Cannot vote more than once"    "Multiple voting not allowed"    (vote "1")  )(commit-tx)
(begin-tx "Double vote")  (use n_fd020525c953aa002f20fb81a920982b175cdf1a.election)  (expect-failure    "Cannot vote more than once"    "Multiple voting not allowed"    (vote "1")  )(commit-tx)

The test will fail with the error FAILURE: Cannot vote more than once: expected failure, got result = "Write succeeded". Remember that all transactions in ./pact/voting.repl so far are signed with the admin-keyset, as defined in ./pact/setup.repl. This means that your admin account is able to cast more than one vote on Candidate A, which makes the election unfair. To fix this, insert a row into the votes table with the account name as key and the candidate key as value for the column candidateKey. In addition, add the account of the voter as the first parameter of the vote function and enforce that there is no row in the votes table that is keyed with the account name, using the with-default-read pattern that you just used to prevent voting on a non-existing candidate. Create a separate function account-voted for the checking if an account has already voted, so the front-end of the election website can fetch this information to determine of the voting buttons should be enabled. Within the vote function, the result of account-voted is stored in a variable double-vote before the condition is enforced. Update the implementation of the vote function as follows.

(defun account-voted:bool (account:string)  (with-default-read votes account    { "candidateKey": "" }    { "candidateKey" := candidateKey }    (> (length candidateKey) 0)  )) (defun vote (account:string candidateKey:string)  (let ((double-vote (account-voted account)))    (enforce (= double-vote false) "Multiple voting not allowed"))   (with-default-read candidates candidateKey    { "name": "", "votes": 0 }    { "name" := name, "votes" := numberOfVotes }    (enforce (> (length name) 0) "Candidate does not exist")    (update candidates candidateKey { "votes": (+ numberOfVotes 1) })    (insert votes account { "candidateKey": candidateKey })  ))
(defun account-voted:bool (account:string)  (with-default-read votes account    { "candidateKey": "" }    { "candidateKey" := candidateKey }    (> (length candidateKey) 0)  )) (defun vote (account:string candidateKey:string)  (let ((double-vote (account-voted account)))    (enforce (= double-vote false) "Multiple voting not allowed"))   (with-default-read candidates candidateKey    { "name": "", "votes": 0 }    { "name" := name, "votes" := numberOfVotes }    (enforce (> (length name) 0) "Candidate does not exist")    (update candidates candidateKey { "votes": (+ numberOfVotes 1) })    (insert votes account { "candidateKey": candidateKey })  ))

Update all calls to the vote function in ./pact/voting.repl to pass your admin account name as the first argument and run the file once more. All tests should now pass, meaning that it is no longer possible to call the vote function of the election module with the same account more than once.

Prevent voting on behalf of other accounts

The current implementation of the vote function does, however, still allow the admin account to vote on behalf of other accounts. Create a voter account to demonstrate this. First, add a voter-keyset to env-data in ./pact/setup.repl.

, 'voter-keyset: { "keys": ["voter"], "pred": "keys-all" },
, 'voter-keyset: { "keys": ["voter"], "pred": "keys-all" },

While you are editing this file, load the coin module and the interaces it implements at the end of it. After that, create the coin.coin-table and coin.allocation-table required to create the voter account. Also, create the voter account and your admin account in the coin module's database. Remember to replace the admin account name with your own.

(begin-tx "Set up coin")  (load "root/fungible-v2.pact")  (load "root/fungible-xchain-v1.pact")  (load "root/coin-v5.pact")   (create-table coin.coin-table)  (create-table coin.allocation-table)   (coin.create-account "voter" (read-keyset "voter-keyset"))  (coin.create-account "k:128c32eb3b4d99be6619aa421bc3df9ebc91bde7a4acf5e8eb9c27f553fa84f3" (read-keyset "admin-keyset"))(commit-tx)
(begin-tx "Set up coin")  (load "root/fungible-v2.pact")  (load "root/fungible-xchain-v1.pact")  (load "root/coin-v5.pact")   (create-table coin.coin-table)  (create-table coin.allocation-table)   (coin.create-account "voter" (read-keyset "voter-keyset"))  (coin.create-account "k:128c32eb3b4d99be6619aa421bc3df9ebc91bde7a4acf5e8eb9c27f553fa84f3" (read-keyset "admin-keyset"))(commit-tx)

Add a transaction at the end of ./pact/voting.repl to cast a vote for the voter account, still signed by the admin keyset. Run the file.

(begin-tx "Vote on behalf of another account")  (use n_fd020525c953aa002f20fb81a920982b175cdf1a.election)  (expect-failure    "Voting on behalf of another account should not be allowed"    "Keyset failure (keys-all): [voter]"    (vote "voter" "1")  )(commit-tx)
(begin-tx "Vote on behalf of another account")  (use n_fd020525c953aa002f20fb81a920982b175cdf1a.election)  (expect-failure    "Voting on behalf of another account should not be allowed"    "Keyset failure (keys-all): [voter]"    (vote "voter" "1")  )(commit-tx)

The test should fail with the message: FAILURE: Double voting not allowed: expected failure, got result = "Write succeeded", because the account name voter does not yet exist in the votes table keys and the candidate exists, so the number of votes of the candidate is incremented. You need to make sure that the signer of the transaction owns the KDA account passed to the vote function. To this end, define the ACCOUNT-OWNER capability that enforces the guard of the account passed to the vote function. The coin.details function can be used to get the guard of an account by account name. The details function of the coin module must be imported in the election module to be able to use it. In this case, the guard of the account is the voter-keyset. By enforcing this guard, you can make sure that the keyset used to sign the vote transaction belongs to the account name passed to the function.

(use coin [ details ]) (defcap ACCOUNT-OWNER (account:string)    (enforce-guard (at 'guard (coin.details account))))
(use coin [ details ]) (defcap ACCOUNT-OWNER (account:string)    (enforce-guard (at 'guard (coin.details account))))

To apply the capability, wrap the update and insert statements in ./pact/election.pact inside a with-capability statement as follows.

(defun vote (account:string candidateKey:string)  (let ((double-vote (account-voted account)))    (enforce (= double-vote false) "Multiple voting not allowed"))   (with-default-read candidates candidateKey    { "name": "", "votes": 0 }    { "name" := name, "votes" := numberOfVotes }    (enforce (> (length name) 0) "Candidate does not exist")    (with-capability (ACCOUNT-OWNER account)      (update candidates candidateKey { "votes": (+ numberOfVotes 1) })      (insert votes account { "candidateKey": candidateKey })    )  ))
(defun vote (account:string candidateKey:string)  (let ((double-vote (account-voted account)))    (enforce (= double-vote false) "Multiple voting not allowed"))   (with-default-read candidates candidateKey    { "name": "", "votes": 0 }    { "name" := name, "votes" := numberOfVotes }    (enforce (> (length name) 0) "Candidate does not exist")    (with-capability (ACCOUNT-OWNER account)      (update candidates candidateKey { "votes": (+ numberOfVotes 1) })      (insert votes account { "candidateKey": candidateKey })    )  ))

Run ./pact/voting.repl and verify that all tests are passing. This means that it is no longer possible to vote on behalf of another account. For extra confidence that the vote function works as expected add a transaction to verify that the voter account can vote on its own behalf, leading to an increase of the number of votes on Candidate A to 2.

(env-sigs  [{ 'key  : "voter"   , 'caps : []  }]) (begin-tx "Vote as voter")  (use n_fd020525c953aa002f20fb81a920982b175cdf1a.election)  (vote "voter" "1")  (expect    "Candidate A has 2 votes"    2    (at 'votes (at 0 (list-candidates)))  )(commit-tx)
(env-sigs  [{ 'key  : "voter"   , 'caps : []  }]) (begin-tx "Vote as voter")  (use n_fd020525c953aa002f20fb81a920982b175cdf1a.election)  (vote "voter" "1")  (expect    "Candidate A has 2 votes"    2    (at 'votes (at 0 (list-candidates)))  )(commit-tx)

Run the file again and, if all is well, all tests pass, meaning that any account can cast only one vote on their own behalf. Congratulations, you are now ready to upgrade the election module on Devnet.

Upgrade election module on Devnet

Open up a terminal and change the directory to the ./snippets folder in the root of your project. Execute the ./deploy-module.ts snippet by running the following command. Replace k:account with your admin account. Also, make sure that Devnet is running and Chainweaver is open so you can sign the transaction. In addition to the account name and upgrade, you need to pass init-votes as an argument. This will add {"init-votes": true} to the transaction, which leads to the execution of (create-table votes) at the bottom of your ./pact/election.pact file.

npm run deploy-module:devnet -- k:account upgrade init-votes
npm run deploy-module:devnet -- k:account upgrade init-votes

If all is well, the last line of the output will be as follows.

{ status: 'success', data: [ 'TableCreated' ] }
{ status: 'success', data: [ 'TableCreated' ] }

Look up your election module in the Module Explorer of Chainweaver. Click the refresh button at the top right of the table and view the module. Click the Open button on the top right to load the Pact code into the editor in the left pane and verify that the election module on Devnet is in sync with the version on your local computer.

Cast a vote on the election website

Open up a terminal with the current directory set to ./frontend relative to the root of your project. Run the front-end application configured with the devnet back-end by executing the following commands. Visit http://localhost:5173 in your browser and verify that the website loads without errors.

npm installnpm run start-devnet
npm installnpm run start-devnet

Set the account to your admin account and nominate a candidate if you have not already. Make sure that Chainweaver is open so you can sign the transaction. Click the Vote button behind your favorite candidate, sign the transaction and wait for the transaction to finish. Verify that the number of votes for the candidate you voted on increased by 1. After you voted, the Vote buttons are disabled, because the front-end checks if you account has already voted by making a local request to the account-voted function of the election Pact module.

Next steps

Congratulations! You have completed the election Pact module, deployed it to your local Devnet and demonstrated that the front-end of election website can use it as its back-end. If you paid close attention during the signing of the transaction, though, you may have noticed that your admin account still has to pay for gas to cast a vote. To make the election accessible for everyone, however, it should be possible to cast a vote without having to pay anything. In the next chapter, you will add a gas station module to the election smart contract that can be funded by the election organisation so it can pay the gas fee for voting transaction of voters.